MATLAB: How manually deselect an object after segmentaion

cellimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentationimfindcirclesMATLABoverlapremoveoverlap

I have been doing Cell segmentation using circular hough transform. I used imfindcircles to detect cells and RemoveOverLap to remove some unwanted overlaps. everything seems to work fine but i need to give the user the ability to deselect any of cells. i have been playing around and because cell detection is based on the center and radius , if i want to delete any of the cells i need both center and radius, i could manage to get the center but no luck with radius. i need to somehow either get the radius or delete segmented cell some other way. below are the codes i am using:
img1 = imread('Overlap_3.jpg');
img = rgb2gray(img1);
threshold = graythresh(img);
img = im2bw(img,threshold);
img = ~img;
img = imfill(img,'holes');
figure, imshow(img);
img = bwareaopen(img,150);
%figure, imshow(img);

[centers, radii] = imfindcircles(img,[30 50],'Sensitivity',0.95,'Edge',0.8);
%figure, imshow(img);
figure, imshow(img1);
hold on
viscircles(centers, radii,'EdgeColor','g')
[centersNew, radiiNew]=RemoveOverLap(centers,radii,40,2);
figure, imshow(img1);
hold on
viscircles(centersNew, radiiNew,'EdgeColor','g');
thank you in advanced

Best Answer

If you use ginput, then check which of the centers is closest to that will let you know which circle the user pointed to.