MATLAB: How Looping Values Form in Array ‘s


Hi, I want to form Array List , I have values like below ? how i can get ? Example Below Code Values are 8-by-1 matrix :
if true
% code
for int i = 1:12
matrtix{i} =[[left_distance_X; left_distance_Y ;right_distance_X ;right_distance_Y; upper_distance_X; upper_distance_Y; bottom_distance_X ;bottom_distance_Y]]; %Here these values are dynamic values
Output Result i have got like :
matrix{1}= 22 33 22 22 44 222 33
matrix{2}=99 33 22 55 66 88 22 22
matrix{12}= 33 44 22 64 09 98 44 44.
*I would like to store like matrix* =[[22 ,33 ,22, 22 ,44, 222, 33],[99 ,33 ,22, 55, 66, 88, 22, 22]];

Best Answer

If all elements of the cell array matrix have the same number of columns you can concatenate them row-wise:
out = cat(1, matrix{:})