MATLAB: How is varimportance calculated

variable importance

I'm using varimportance function from the classregtree package. I would like to know the theory behind this function since the Matlab help is very light.
Thanks in advance. Regards

Best Answer

If you split parent node 1 into child nodes 2 and 3, you increase the importance of the split variable by
(R1 - R2 - R3)/Nnode
where Ri are node risks and Nnode is the total number of nodes in this tree. Risk is defined as
Ri = Pi*Ei
where Pi is the node probability and Ei is either node error (for trees grown by minimizing a non-impurity criterion such as MSE or the twoing criterion) or node impurity (for trees grown by minimizing an impurity criterion such as Gini index or deviance).
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