MATLAB: How is the phase noise generated in the Phase Noise block in the Communications Blockset

1/fblockcharacteristiccommunicationscommunications blocksetfrequencygeneratednoiseoffsetphase

For the Phase Noise block in the Communications Blockset, I specify the frequency offset in Hz, but I am not clear on what point on the 1/f curve I am specifying.

Best Answer

The Phase Noise block generates phase noise over the entire spectral observation window, from 0 Hz (or as close as possible to 0 Hz) to +/- Fs/2, where Fs is the sampling frequency. The noise is scaled so that it is at the block specified phase noise level at the specified frequency offset. The phase noise generated has a 1/f characteristic over the entire frequency range.
For more information about the algorithm used to generate phase noise, refer to:
Kasdin, N.J., "Discrete Simulation of Colored Noise and Stochastic Processes and 1/(f^alpha); Power Law Noise Generation," The Proceedings of the IEEE, May, 1995, Vol. 83, No. 5