MATLAB: How is the output layer characterized in the neural network toolbox

hidden layerneural network toolboxneural networksneuronsoutput layerview(net)

Hello everyone,
I have created a neural network with one hidden layer and one output layer. Overall there are two input elements and 24 output elements. I am working with 10 hidden neurons in the hidden layer.
Now when I run view(net) the graphical overview shows me that I have two input elements, 10 hidden neurons in the hidden layer and 24 output elements. The graphic also shows me the output layer. Under the output layer the number 11 is displayed..
What does this number stand for? Is it a number for the output neurons? Why isn't it 24 then? Until now I always worked with neural networks with only one output. When running view(net) with those networks there was always the number 1 displayed under the output layer…
Thanks alot!

Best Answer

Your code looks ok. However, since the figure shows 3 inputs, I question your quoted sizes. Insert the following statements
inputs = input % this is a 2x194 matrix
targets = target; % this is a 24x194 matrix
[ I N ] = size(inputs)
[ O N ] = size(targets)
[net_cloudy, tr] = train(net_cloudy, inputs, targets);
whos % check cell and double sizes
Hope this helps.
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