MATLAB: How is Simulink 6.6 (R2007a) affected by the use of the new multithreading feature in MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a)


With the new multithreaded BLAS option in R2007a, how does this affect Simulink simulation?

Best Answer

In general, Simulink is not affected by the use of multithreaded BLAS in MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a). The Simulink engine runs its own solver routines separate from the MATLAB environment. However some toolbox and blockset functions as well as user-written MATLAB Fcn and MATLAB file S-Function routines may use MATLAB commands in their algorithms that take advantage of the multithreaded BLAS, but a noticeable increase in speed is unlikely.
An exception to this is Simulink's implicit solvers, which make use of multithreaded BLAS to perform linear algebra calculations. For more information about implicit solvers please refer to the "Choosing a Solver" section of the Simulink documentation. This can be viewed by executing the following command in MATLAB:
web([docroot '/toolbox/simulink/ug/f11-69449.html'])