MATLAB: How is RF Blockset different from the older SimRF product

RF Toolbox

I understand that the RF-related Simulink blocks were originally referred to as the “SimRF”. With R2017a, these blocks were replaced by the RF Blockset library. I would like to have an explanation of the differences between RF Blockset and the older SimRF.

Best Answer

In MATLAB release R2017a, SimRF has been renamed RF Blockset. The Idealized Baseband, Equivalent Baseband, and Circuit Envelope blocks are now part of the RF Blockset Simulink library. There is no major difference in functionality between RF Blockset and SimRF other than the new features listed in the release notes.
With release R2017a, RF Blockset only requires Simulink and RF Toolbox, and it no longer requires Simscape. Simscape remains a recommended product to simulate low-frequency analog electronics and to author your own RF Blockset Circuit Envelope components.
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