MATLAB: How initial condition of input in Matlab Function in algebraic loop

algebraic loopsmatlab functionsimulink

there is a matlab function in simulink that applies algebraic loops. I do not understand how the initial conditions of the input even though the input can be from output, which is where the mathematical process of output also requires input. Does the input have to have initial conditions or not? but in this matlab function is not initialized.
one of the contents of fcn as follows:
function [calc_flux,output] = fcn(frame,input)

Best Answer

1) "Does the input have to have initial conditions or not?" Definitely yes. Without Initial condition how will the algebraic loop start right?
2) "but in this matlab function is not initialized." - If you open your memory block you will see an option of setting "Initial Condition". This value is used for the first cycle of computation. The next cycle uses the output of first cycle and so on.
3) Use of memory blocks for algebraic loops is not recommended. See here.
Hope this helps!!