MATLAB: How i can use a order that it’s input is scalar but i want use from it for amounts of a vector

i want have a vector that members of it are amounts a numerical integral for a function at diffrent domains, that this domains are Initialized by a vector for integral order. as you know domain input for integral order is scalar hence when i use a domain vector i recive error. because i don't know size of the vector thus i can't use for loop.
for example :
f=@(x)(x); xmin=[-1 0]; xmax=[0 1]; [domain1 domain2]=integral(f,xmin,xamx)

Best Answer

f=@(x)(x); xmin=[-1 0]; xmax=[0 1];
for K = 1 : length(xmin)
domain(K) = integral(f, xmin(K), xmax(K));