MATLAB: How i can open a file that is written using matlab 2013 by using matlab 2009

matlab 2013

I have a file that is written using matlab 2013, and i want to open it using matlab 2009.

Best Answer

Be clear. Are you asking about a mat file or an m-file?
A mat file is possibly not readable if a simple save was done, unless the saver was careful to use the proper option in the save. It also depends on what is in the mat file.
| Can Load in |
Option | Versions | Supported Features
'-v7.3' | 7.3 or later | Version 7.0 features plus support for
| | data items greater than or equal to 2GB on
| | 64-bit systems
'-v7' | 7.0 or later | Version 6 features plus data compression and
| | Unicode character encoding
'-v6' | 5 or later | Version 4 features plus N-dimensional arrays,
| | cell and structure arrays, and variable names
| | greater than 19 characters
'-v4' | all | Two-dimensional double, character, and
| | sparse arrays
An m-file is generally readable, since it is simply a text file. However, some functions may not exist in the old release. Since we don't know what type your file is or what is in it, there is no way to give a better answer.