MATLAB: How i can extract features from images and save them in one matrix and make groups (label) inside the matrix by matlab

arraysComputer Vision Toolboxhow to examine variablesStatistics and Machine Learning Toolbox

This is works, but i am not sure about my label t_label(1:21,1) is it same rows (From 1 to 21) in the matrix or not,
training_female = 'D:\DBs\jaffe\Train';
filenames = dir(fullfile(training_female, '*.TIFF'));
total_images = numel(filenames);
featureMatrix = [];
for n = 1:total_images
full_name= fullfile(training_female, filenames(n).name);
training_images = imread(full_name);
[featureVector, hogVisualization] = extractHOGFeatures(training_images);
featureMatrix = [featureMatrix; featureVector];
[HOG_test, Visualization] = extractHOGFeatures(xx);
t_label = zeros(size(151,1),1);
t_label(1:21,1) = 1;% Angry;
t_label(22:41,1) = 2; %Disgusted;
t_label(42:63,1) = 3; %Fear;
t_label(64:85,1) = 4; %Happy;
t_label(86:106,1) = 5; %neutral;
t_label(107:128,1) = 6; %Sad;
t_label(129:151,1) = 7; %Surprised;

Best Answer

It looks like rows 1-21 should all have the value 1. Do you know how to look in the workspace to check it? Or just put the cursor in the variable and type control-d.
Or you can just type the variable name in the command window.