MATLAB: How find the best step for the array.

cell arraysMATLABstep

I have following array:
first_tt= 1;step = 7;last_tt = 27;
tt= first_tt:step:last_tt;
tt= [1,8,15,22];
So what I want is to include the last number 27, by slightly changing the step, BUT still meet the second array value of original array, in this case 1+7= 8. tt= [1, 8,15,22];
Currently done:
first_tt= 1; step = 7;last_tt = 27; tt= first_tt:step:last_tt; new_step = (last_tt-first_tt)/length(tt); new_tt= first_tt:new_step:last_tt;
new_tt = [1,7.5,14,20.5,27];
So what I need is to include second array value of original array, i.e 8, so I'm wondering, if there are any ways of doing it?
new_tt = [1,..., *8 (?)*,....,27];
Even +/-2% would be ok.
new_tt = [1,..., *7.84 (?)*,....,26.46];
Best Regards,

Best Answer

You need to decide whether you want equidistant steps, or matching numbers.
I'm sure I'm missing something, but if you just want the second and last, then
tt = first_tt:step:last_tt;
if ( tt(end) < last_tt )
tt(end+1) = last_tt;
Or, if you only need to match the two numbers, then:
first_tt= 1;step = 7;last_tt = 27;
second_tt = first_tt + step;
n_elements = floor((last_tt-second_tt)/step)+1;
tt = linspace(second_tt,last_tt,n_elements);
The point is, there are a million ways of doing this, but none of them will manage to go from one number to another in equidistant steps without some other compromise.