MATLAB: How Find last row in excel

excel row last end

Hi, I have three pages the data is in the second sheet.
In the second Sheet I would like to know which cell is the last data in column B.
from 'B2' are just numbers

Best Answer

If you're comfortable with using ActiveX, here is function:
% Returns the next empty cell in column after row 1. Basically it puts the active cell in row 1
% and types control-(down arrow) to put you in the last row. Then it add 1 to get to the next available row.
function nextRow = GoToNextRowInColumn(Excel, column)
% Make a reference to the very last cell in this column.
cellReference = sprintf('%s1048576', column);
currentCell = Excel.Selection;
bottomCell = currentCell.End(3); % Control-up arrow. We should be in row 1 now.
% Well we're kind of in that row but not really until we select it.
bottomRow = bottomCell.Row;
cellReference = sprintf('%s%d', column, bottomRow);
bottomCell = Excel.Selection;
bottomRow = bottomCell.Row; % This should be 1
% If this cell is empty, then it's the next row.
% If this cell has something in it, then the next row is one row below it.
cellContents = Excel.ActiveCell.Value; % Get cell contents - the value (number of string that's in it).
% If the cell is empty, cellContents will be a NaN.
if isnan(cellContents)
% Row 1 is empty. Next row should be 1.
nextRow = bottomRow; % Don't add 1 since it was empty (the top row already).
% Row 1 is not empty. Next row should be row 2.
nextRow = bottomRow + 1; % Will add 1 to get row 1 as the next row.
catch ME
errorMessage = sprintf('Error in function GoToNextRowInColumn.\n\nError Message:\n%s', ME.message);
fprintf('%s\n', errorMessage);
return; % from LeftAlignSheet
end % of GoToNextRowInColumn