MATLAB: How edit and write into particular line consisting of letters and numbers text file using matlab

abaqus inp filematlab search

** Name: Surf_temp1 Type: Temperature
Surf_temp_Set-1, 11, 11, 100.
** Name: Surf_temp2 Type: Temperature
Surf_temp_Set-2, 11, 11, 100.
** Name: Surf_temp3 Type: Temperature
Surf_temp_Set-3, 11, 11, 100.
** Name: Surf_temp4 Type: Temperature
Surf_temp_Set-4, 11, 11, 500.
This is text file to be edited. How to search particular boundary condition and edit and write to new text file?..Suppose I want to change
Surf_temp_Set-4, 11, 11, 500.
Surf_temp_Set-4, 11, 11, 350.

Best Answer

f= fopen('your data in text file');
c = textscan(f,'%s','delimiter','\n');
fclose(f) ;
S = c{1} ;
str = {'Surf_temp_Set-4, 11, 11, 350.'} ; % to be replaced
str1 = strsplit(str{1}) ;
% get the index which is to be repalced
idx1 = find(not(cellfun('isempty',strfind(S, str1{1}))));
% Repalce
S(idx1) = str ;
% write to a rext file
fid = fopen('file.txt','w') ;
fclose(fid) ;