MATLAB: How doI solve the problems(Model not assembled:position violation) with this quater car model

formulastudentSimscape Multibody

Dear sir When I follow the tutorial of the formula student physical training videos(Part 9: Building Mechanical Assemblies, Section 2), I have some problems. The model does not run well after I add the calculate force Subsystem and connect the Test Force system to the wheel subsystem. The problems shown by Matlab said the problems were caused by : Error using sm.sli.internal.sim (line 15) * ['chassis']: * Model not assembled: position violation * Resolve this issue in order to simulate the model. The model report shows that Test_force_subsystem.Planar_joint is unassembled and the Shock_absorber.Prismatic_Joint is also wrong.However, the model runs well before I added the force calculate subsystem. Hope you can help with my problem.I really want to know what problems I've made. I attached my model in the Zip file. Another problem is that the setting of the Shock absorber might have problems as well.The scope of the SA shows that the sping just extended without damping.What problem might that be?

Best Answer

I finally solved the problem, the platform to wheel rigid transform block was wrong. A rotation has been added to correct the location of the planar joint of the contact point. Now the problems has been solved. However, after I finish the input of the wheel, the scope of the Shock absorber seems wrong. I'll upload the new model and upload a new question, hope anybody can tell me what is wrong. I already set the internal mechanics in the prismatic joint, but it seems like the setting of internal mechanics of SA doesn't work.