MATLAB: How does the maximum and minimum step size affect the simulation of a model


what should be the nominal value for the simulation? and is there any range for particular type of simulation?

Best Answer

These values are completely dependent on the simulation that you are running. I will explain what step size is in a quick example. Say you have a range from 0-100 seconds and you would like to sample values across this range of time. If you consider your step size in regards to your sampling time:
  • A step size of 10 would take a value every 10 seconds and give you 10 data points to use.
  • A step size of 1 would take a value every 1 second and give you 100 data points to use.
A high step size will run quickly but take few data points and conversely a low step size will take many data points but take longer to run as a result.
So as i said before, it depends upon the application.
  • If you would like to note precise changes, then it is recommended to use a smaller step size.
  • If you are not concerned with precise changes and would like to run faster, then use a larger step size.
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