MATLAB: How does the algorithm of the residualSimilarityModel looks like

Predictive Maintenance Toolboxresidualsimilaritymodel

Dear MATLAB Community,
I actually have a simple question and don't need a super scientific answer. What is the rough algorithm of the residualSimilarityModel?
I know that for the training every ensemble member gets a regression fit based on the equation defined in Method. And then I assume that in case of the command predictRUL() a additonal regression fit is performed for the input data and followed by a kNN classifiaction which checkes witch regression model of the training data is closest to the actual regression model and then predicting the RUL of the closest model.
However, in the description of "Method" is written: "Type of model trained using the fit function and used for residual generation, specified as one of the following:" What is meant by residual generation? This part is confusing me in my assumtion, for what is the residual of the regression model fit used? Somehow, I interpret that I am wrong with my kNN assumtion.
Does somone has a overview of how this model works?

Best Answer

1-step prediction for a model is for a time series IT = {Y1, Y2 ,…, YT }.
At time T, we want to forecast YT+1, YT+2, YT+1, YT+2, …, YT+l
Where T is the forecast origin and l is forecast horizon.
1-step ahead forecast = Forecasted value YT+1
= E [YT+1 | YT, YT-1,…., Y1]
And 1-step prediction error is the margin by which it is varying with the actual value.
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