MATLAB: How does mdl.Rsquared.Ordinary and mddl.Rsquared.Adjusted work


Hi all,
How does Rsquared.Ordinary and Rsquared.Adjusted work? Does it use the raw values of the data set, or use the z-scores of the data set?
I am running a single variable linear regression using fitlm, and trying to get the r2 value by using Rsquared.Ordinary and Rsquared.Adjusted.
I want to know whether I have to standardize my data by turning them into z-scores, AND THEN use Rsquared.Ordinary (of course, I won't need to standardize my data if the Rsquared function already calculates the z-scores)
Thank you!

Best Answer

R-squared and adjusted R-squared are invariant to scaling and mean-centering of the input data. So, you don't need to do it. But even if you do, you will get the same result.