MATLAB: How does FLatLimit property relate to MapLatLimit property of the map axes in Mapping Toolbox 2.7.2 (R2009a)

Mapping Toolbox

I would like to know how FLatLimit relates to MapLatLimit. I can specify one of them for my map axes and that would determine the value of the other.

Best Answer

The basic difference is that MapLatLimit contains actual latitudes, while FLatLimit expresses latitude limits relative to the origin. With an azimuthal projection, the first element of FLatLimit is always -Inf and the second element is the radius of the circular area shown on the map (which is centered at the origin). Also, FLatLimit is a defining parameter and MapLatLimit is provided as a more intuitive alternative for use with AXESM and SETM. When the map axes properties are displayed (with GCM, for example), the value of MapLatLimit is derived from FLatLimit and related properties (including Origin).
See the axesm reference page for definitions of these and other map axes properties by executing the following in the MATLAB command prompt:
web([docroot '/toolbox/map/axesm.html'])
There are also helpful discussions in the User's Guide sections on "Accessing and Manipulating Map Axes Properties" and "Using the Map Limit Properties." which you can access by executing the following in the MATLAB command prompt:
web([docroot '/toolbox/map/f1-6032.html#f1-6034']
web([docroot '/toolbox/map/f1-6032.html#bru6bc7-1'])