MATLAB: How do you work on scripts from multiple computers


I've been working on a few scripts for a while, and I'll now be back and forth between two different locations with different computers. At the moment for things like word documents I usually work on synced files on Google Drive, but I don't want to do this using code as I imagine there could be sync issues.
So, how do you all manage your MATLAB scripts across different computers? Does anyone have ane useful tips / good practises to avoid data loss etc.? I imagine I could just upload the files, download them locally and then reupload them at the end of the day but I can see myself forgetting or accidentally overwrting things too easily.

Best Answer

I'm using a server to syncronize my files, comparable to Dropbox, but with a sufficient data protection.
For offline machine I can syncronize over USB sticks using synctoy or a comparable tool.