MATLAB: How do you store the output of a function

arrayfunctionoutputprboelmstoringvectorworkspace storing

I wrote a function "problem8 (r,x)" and am using it in a new script:
problem8 (0.5,0:5)
When I run the above script, this is what I see in my command window:
x =
0 1 2 3 4 5
y =
0 0 -1 -3 -6 -10
I would like for these vectors or arrays (x and y) to be stored in my workspace but am not sure how to do so.

Best Answer

Change the first line of your function to:
function [x, y] = problem8 (r,x)
Then call it as:
[x, y] = problem8(0.5,0:5)
and the values of ‘x’ and ‘y’ should be in your workspace.
You have to ask your function to return the results you’re interested in as output.