MATLAB: How do you set the first column of a 4×4 matrix = a vector


Vector X [380 250 220 200]
Matrix C=
[1257 679 220 203 1567 155 234 432 2345 445 238 556] How do I set the first column of matrix C equal to x

Best Answer

X = [380 250 220 200]
C=[1257 679 220 203
1567 155 234 432
2345 445 238 556];
C(1,:)=X; % set the first row of C equal to vector X
size of C = 3*4 , and size of X = 1*4. you can set the first row of C equal to X. if not, I assume it was:
X = [380; 250; 220; 200]
C=[1257 679 220
203 1567 155
234 432 2345
445 238 556];
C(:,1)=X; % set the first column of C equal to vector X