MATLAB: How do you remove duplicates of nested cells


I have cell array that looks like the following:
RomanticGestures = ... % Cell array 5x1
{{List of Flowers};... % nested Cell array 15x1
{List of Chocolates};... % nested Cell array 15x1
{List of Movies};... % nested Cell array 17x1
{List of Flowers};... % nested Duplicate Cell array 15x1
{List of Wines}};... % nested Cell array 34x1
But I do not need the nested cell that contains the list of flowers twice. So this is what I want:
RomanticGestures = ... % Cell array 5x1
{{List of Flowers};... % nested Cell array 15x1
{List of Chocolates;... % nested Cell array 15x1
{List of Movies};... % nested Cell array 17x1
{List of Restaurants}}; % nested Cell array 34x1
I also need to know what row the duplicate occured in.
have tried unique but I think I have the notation wrong. I have tried:
cell2mat doesnt work.
Any suggestions are appreciated šŸ™‚ Thank you!

Best Answer

Sounds like:
Dates{1} = unique(Dates{1}); %What a misleading variable names if it doesn't contain dates/times!
is what you're after.