MATLAB: How do you pull data from a text box, and set it to plot

guimatlab gui

Hello all, I have created a GUI that can do simple math by adding subtraction etc… and puts the results into a text box. What I want to do is take that single digit and plot it on a plane, I already know how to plot a graph if you hard type it in, but I want it to change with the calculated value. So I know it will be something like..
plot( function EXAMPLE, but I don't know how it goes after this.
I already have the push button to plot and the graph to have it plot on, I just need the correct coding to pull TEXT BOX A and graph that value!
Hope this makes sense

Best Answer

Grant - presumably you are plotting the result of the calculation on an axes that is a part of your GUI. So in the callback to your push button, just do something like the following
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% get the data from text box A
data = str2num(char(get(handles.text1,'String')));
% do something with the data
% now plot it on the axes/graph
The above assumes that you are using GUIDE to develop your GUI. The tag for your text box A is text1 and the tag for the axes is axes1.