MATLAB: How do you identify strings with numbered names in an array


I have a list of data that I want to simplify. The data in column 1 is of the format "(part) #". Each part will have various numbers associated with it and I want to add the number in column 2 for each part entry.
The "part" name can have a number within it and the first appearance of each part will not contain a "#" entry.
For example, my data can look like this:
Column 1 | Column 2
Default | 8
Default 2 | 9
Default 3 | 3
Default 4 | 5
Card 1 | 6
Card 1 2 | 10
Card 1 3 | 3
Card 1 4 | 2
Card 1 5 | 9
Card 1 6 | 3
Card 2 | 2
Card 2 2 | 2
Card 2 3 | 6
Card 2 4 | 8
Card 2 5 | 6
Card 2 6 | 9
I would like to output this:
Default | 25
Card 1 | 33
Card 2 | 33
I'm not sure how to get matlab to 1. recognize that 'Default', 'Card 1', and 'Card 2' are the things I want to perform operations to, and 2. recognize that I need it to sum over how many times the part is repeated.
Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.

Best Answer

a= {'Default ',2; 'Default 2',4; 'Card 1 2',6};
res = {'Default '; 'Card 1 '};
res{1,2} = sum(cell2mat(a(startsWith(a(:,1),res(1,1)),2)));
res{2,2} = sum(cell2mat(a(startsWith(a(:,1),res(2,1)),2)));