MATLAB: How do you get multiple minimum values in a column based on grouping and then isolate the corresponding rows for the whole table

findgroupsmultiple minimum valuessplitapply

I've got a list of ages in a table, sorted, and grouped by 'names'. Something like this:
b = splitapply(@(x1){sort(x1)}, data.age, perName);
How do I select the youngest 10 ages (smallest) for every name group (or largest for that matter)? Do I need to build a custom function then reference that function in the splitapply command?
Normally, I can sort the column and just trim out (or isolate) the top several using something like this (for example):
data(1:15,:) = [];
However, I've spent a long time without any luck to trim/isolate based on grouping. It was easy to get the min value using @min funciton, but I'm not sure how to get 'multiple' min or max values for each group
Also, once I've managed to find the top ten, how do I also isolate the corresponding rows in the table for different columns?
Any help is much appreciated!
(edit: I've attached the matlab table for reference. Note this is just made up 'dummy' data for practice. Once I figure it out I have to apply to a much larger dataset.)

Best Answer

b=splitapply(@(x) {maxk(x,10)},data.age,g);
b contains the k oldest elements for each'll have to use an m-file function to return the optional second index from maxk to locate the position of the N individuals in the group.
>> [cellstr(ig) b]
ans =
7×2 cell array
{'Ben' } {10×1 double}
{'Billy'} { 4×1 double}
{'Happy'} { 4×1 double}
{'Jenny'} {10×1 double}
{'Joe' } { 8×1 double}
{'Kate' } {10×1 double}
{'Smith'} {10×1 double}
ADDENDUM: The indexing would look something like--
function [mx,ix]=getmaxk(x,n)
% wrapper for maxk cuz can't return second output w/ anonymous function
fnmaxk=@(x) getmaxk(x,10);
OK, it's not so bad after all -- have to do it explicitly right now; seems like a good candidate for an enhancement to splitapply() to have available as an auxiliary variable.
Start with
function sq=getmaxkgrp(x,v)
% returns the group variable sequence associated with the n maxk values of x
which has the 10 value hardcoded; you can use the indirect method illustrated above to be able to change the number for which you're looking.
Then, as suggested, augment the table with
data.seq=[1:height(data)].'; % add the sequence number in table of each row
ix=splitapply(@(x1,x2) {getmaxkgrp(x1,x2)},data.age,data.seq,g); % and return that seq number for the top n
tmaxk=(cellfun(@(ix) data(ix,1:end-1),ix,'uni',0)); % retrieve those records from full table
tmaxk=vertcat(tmaxk{:}); % and combine into a table
Above results in--
>> tmaxk =
56×3 table
names age pet
_____ ___ ____
Ben 31 fish
Ben 31 bird
Ben 31 bird
Ben 31 bird
Ben 31 fish
Ben 21 dog
Ben 21 fish
Ben 21 dog
Ben 21 fish
Ben 17 dog
Billy 30 fish
Billy 30 bird
Billy 30 fish
Billy 30 bird
Happy 31 bird
Happy 31 cat
Happy 31 bird
Happy 31 cat
Jenny 30 cat
Jenny 30 dog
Jenny 30 dog
Jenny 30 fish
Jenny 30 dog
Jenny 30 fish
Jenny 30 dog
Jenny 30 fish
Jenny 30 cat
Jenny 30 dog
Joe 79 dog
Joe 79 dog
Joe 21 dog
Joe 20 cat
Joe 19 cat
Joe 18 bird
Joe 15 cat
Joe 15 cat
Kate 60 fish
Kate 60 fish
Kate 60 fish
Kate 51 fish
Kate 51 fish
Kate 51 fish
Kate 51 fish
Kate 50 bird
Kate 50 dog
Kate 50 bird
Smith 38 fish
Smith 38 bird
Smith 38 fish
Smith 38 bird
Smith 38 bird
Smith 38 fish
Smith 30 bird
Smith 29 bird
Smith 29 cat
Smith 29 cat
I didn't test it extensively but I believe it will have returned the correct values. Using a smaller value for N would make that part much easier; left as "Exercise for Student!" :)