MATLAB: How do you find average power

audioreadaverage powerMATLAB

Hi y'all, I'm having an issue with this logic. I need to find the average power of but I don't see what I am doing wrong with this. Nothing shows up when I read my and thusly, I'm not sure about my voiced and un_voiced segments.
clear all;
[x, Fs] = audioread('');
% plot the file
plot(x, Fs);grid on;
title('raw speech data');
% identify voiced segment from the speech vector. Load it in newly created
% voiced segment array
L = 300; % number of samples in sub-sample array
x_voiced = x(L:0+ L-1);
% identify unvoiced segment from the speech vector. Load it in newly created
% unvoiced segment array
x_unvoiced = x(L:0 + L-1);
% calculate average power of a voiced and unvoiced segments.
% Use avg power formula as shown in the file
P_voiced = sum(x_voiced)/L;
P_unvoiced = sum(x_unvoiced)/L;

Best Answer

Calculating the average power of your discrete signal according to the equation in your attached figure is done as:
P = sum(x.^2)/L;
P = mean(x.^2);
P = rms(x)^2;