MATLAB: How do you create a composite function in matlab

functionmatlab function

If I have two functions, like
function a=func1(x)
function b=func2(q,p)
as examples. Is it possible to combine them to create a composite function like func1(func2(q)) = func1∘func2(q), and if so how do you do that?

Best Answer

f = @sin;
g = @cos;
% define it two different ways
fg = @(x) f(g(x));
h = @(x) sin(cos(x));
% Compare the two approaches
x = 0:0.1:2*pi;
ans = 0
Or you could write a function file.
function y = myfun3(x)
y = func1(func2(x, 3)); % fixing p = 3