MATLAB: How do write a while loop for a function m file that takes the input of a function handle

function m-filewhile loop

I have to create a function me file called myfirstzero(f,a) which takes two inputs:
f: A function handle which you may assume will represent a polynomial.
a: A real number.
Does: Uses a while loop to find the smallest n such f^(n)(a) = 0. Note that this means the nth derivative at x = a and note that n = 0 is fair game, where the 0th derivative of a function is just the function itself.
Returns: This value of n.
All I need is for somebody to help get me started writing this code. All I was able to write so far is:
function x=myfirstzero(f,a);
I just don't know what the while loop conditions are that need to be met to start the while loop. Or statements needed inside the while loop.

Best Answer

You and Sea must be in the same class! How do I fix this error with function handle?
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