MATLAB: How do we find the input arguments required by a handle class constructor


I am getting an error " too many input arguments"
So I wished to match my input arguments with the constructor arguments

Best Answer

It sounds like the problem has already been resolved and as Adam said, the easiest is to look at the function definition.
If, for some reason, that's not possible, you can use the methods function (for display at the command line) with the -'full' option, or the methodsview function (for display in a separate window) to see the list of all the methods of the class and their inputs and outputs.
methods('classname', '-full')
If even more details are needed, you can also use introspection classes such as meta.class and meta.method.
%demo for class string
>> mc = meta.class.fromName('string');
>> mm = mc.MethodList(strcmp({mc.MethodList.Name}, 'string')) %find constructor in method list and display properties
mm =
method with properties:
Name: 'string'
Description: ''
DetailedDescription: ''
Access: 'public'
Static: 0
Abstract: 0
Sealed: 0
ExplicitConversion: 0
Hidden: 1
InputNames: {'rhs1'}
OutputNames: {'lhs1'}
DefiningClass: [1×1 meta.class]
Interestingly, the string constructor is hidden.