MATLAB: How do we apply Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) to the signal? what is the difference between DFT, DTFT and FFT


I am now doing my research on vibration analysis. throughout my research, Ive found that Dirichlet fourier transform is refering to DTFT. but still I do not understand on how to apply DTFT to the signal? is it same function like DFT and FFT?
please help me. I am new in Matlab and signal processing.

Best Answer

I’m not certain how you’re applying the Dirichlet kernels (I’ve never used them), but the MATLAB fft function should do what you want. I always considered ‘DTFT’ to be the ‘discrete time Fourier transform’, the Fourier transform applied to discretely-sampled signals of the sort that you will be dealing with in your research.
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