MATLAB: How do to FFT Analysis to EEG signals Using Matlab

eegfftno attemptno question

Hi guys,
I'm looking for FFT analysis to EEG signals in matlab.
I explain myself :
I receive a signal in the time domain , let's assume x(t), it is known signal with known sleep stage. (the PC provides this signals randomly ).
I'm looking for an existing code in matlab that FFT analyze this x(t) ,computes its frequencies and amplitudes and plot the relevant sleep stage accordingly
can you suggest for this code ? or guide me, how can i write this code correctly ?
hope that i explained myself clear enough
Thanks allot .

Best Answer

Please try:
>> doc fft
>> doc fftshift
These commands will open the documentation for these two functions. After you have read it, please try to write some code, and see what happens. Then ask additional questions if you need more help.