MATLAB: How do l let the user re-enter input if the original input is unacceptable

MATLABuser input

Everything works so far but I want to make my code so that the user can reenter the grade if he/she enters a grade too high or too low the first time. Here is my code so far:
HW_Grades = []
for jj = 1:4
HW_Prompt = input('What are your grades on your 1st-4th HW assignments? (Enter a number between 5 and 15, then press enter, and repeat); ');
if (HW_Prompt < 5);
disp('Your grade is too low');
if (HW_Prompt > 15);
disp('Your grade is too high');
HW_Grades(jj) = HW_Prompt;
HW_Total = sum(HW_Grades)

Best Answer

Use a while loop. Try this:
HW_Grades = [0,0,0,0]; % Initialize
for jj = 1 : 4
gradeOK = false;
while ~gradeOK % Keep looping and asking until the grade is OK
userPrompt = sprintf('What is your grade on HW assignment %d?\n (Enter a number between 5 and 15, inclusive, then press enter, and repeat); ', jj);
userResponse = input(userPrompt);
if userResponse < 5
uiwait(warndlg('Your grade is too low'));
elseif userResponse > 15
uiwait(warndlg('Your grade is too high'));
HW_Grades(jj) = userResponse;
gradeOK = true;
HW_Total = sum(HW_Grades)