MATLAB: How do i using scatter plot in matlab to plot 2D or 3D data with new labels

3d plotsMATLABplotplottingxlsread

Dear experiences
i have a dataset stored in an excel file, where data has labels from A1..An as in the following:
states Dim1 Dim2 part
A27 0.000961859 0.030987232 1
A127 0.015515794 0.047256875 1
A34 0.063094311 -0.188401909 2
A47 0.069889903 -0.162175315 2
A12 -0.351944163 -0.092892019 3
A112 0.108680014 -0.297203971 4
My questions are :
  1. How i can using scatter plot in matlab to plot the above labels as in the attached figure?
  2. Is there any option to plot every collection of points with distinct color like ( part1=black, part2=red, etc. )?
  3. fianlly, i need to create labels for every collection, my labels are part1, part2, part3, part4) based on my dataset, so i hope to this property can be performed based on Dim1 and Dim2 values range.
thanks for any suggestion.

Best Answer

This will get you started:
[D,S] = xlsread( . . . );
D = [-0.005859903 0.003131757
-0.009648814 0.001774854
-0.006499227 0.003332951
-0.007080218 0.00482714];
S = {'A1'
text(D(:,1), D(:,2), S, 'FontSize',8)
axis([min(D(:,1)) max(D(:,1)) min(D(:,2)) max(D(:,2))])