MATLAB: How do i use vectors as input to the “interpreted Matlab Fnc” block


I wrote a litle test function, which determines the scalar product of two vectors. It works fine when i use it in matlab. When i use the "interpreted Matlab Fnc" block in simulink it doesnt work properly. For a = 2 and b = 1 it gives me 2, which is correct. But when i use vectors instead of numbers like a = [2;2] and b = [1;1] i get 2 instead of 4.
I tried different combinations, but its always wrong… Since the "interpreted Matlab Fnc" block has only one input-port im using a Mux-block, may this be my mistake?
Does anybody have an idea what i'm doing wrong? thx for your help

Best Answer

a should be [2 2] instead of [2;2]