MATLAB: How do i use the nlinfit function when there are two independent variables


This is my model. I have two independent variables A and B.v0 is the dependent variable. Now can you please help me with writing the line code for this in matlab where i have to use a nlinfit function.
For one independent variable the following code worked:
model=@(b,x) b(1).*substrate./(b(2)+substrate);
initialguess=[1 1];
[beta,R,J,CovB,MSE] = nlinfit(substrate,vo,model, initialguess);
I want to do the same thing for my above equation.Please suggest.

Best Answer

You have to pass your independent variable as a single value. If you have two independent variables, simply create a matrix from them, and make corresponding changes in your function:
AB = [A B]; % Assumes A and B are COLUMN vectors
Make appropriate changes if they are row vectors, or simply transpose the row vectors to column vectors. (The nlinfit function doesn’t care. It just wants your function to return a vector that matches your dependent variable vector dimensions.)
Your call to nlinfit then becomes:
[beta,R,J,CovB,MSE] = nlinfit(AB, ...
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