MATLAB: How do i store Images on database based on extracted features, then retrieve image based on image query

cbirComputer Vision Toolboxdata acquisitiondatabase

Dear Experiences..
  • i have 100 images in folder called (D:\images)..
  • i have extracted feature from every single image where the extracted features are represented as matrix (M x 128),
  • where M refer to feature matrix rows and 128 are feature extracted columns… for all images columns are fixed but rows are differs based on size of an image…
  • feature matrix are numeric matrix…
  • so, i need a way to store all images (100 images) in Database or such other structure content based on image features.. and when i need to retrieve an image .. its compare query image feature matrix to those in database then retrieve similar one… (i think here pairwise distance or such other metric must be used)…
so, i will thank any one can give me an advices or help me in this issue…

Best Answer

"so, i need a way to store all images (100 images) in Database or such other structure content based on image features.."
Well, you could use containers.Map to use the features as an index to store values. However, since none of your actual images are likely to result in a feature vector that exactly matches, bit for bit, then this is not going to be useful.
In short, don't do that. Instead just store all of the feature vectors for the known images, and then when a probe image comes in, use pdist2 to compare its feature vector to all of the known ones to find the known image that is most like the probe image.