MATLAB: How Do i Sort rows in tables based on unique rows dictionary


Dear experiences..
i have two tables…. A and B, where table A involves 4 columns as follow :
Table A:-
Id index con_name class
1 200 greed 1
2 301 rfg 3
3 505 rft 3
4 401 oil 1
Table B:-
con_name Var1 Var2 .......... VarN
rft ............................
greed ............................
rfg ............................
conr ...........................
oil ...........................
  • So ,my requirements as follow:
  • i need to build dictionary table includes only (con_name) that exist in both tables A and B.. then
  • remove con_name rows from Table A that not exist in dictionary table
  • remove con_name rows from Table B that not exist in dictionary table
  • sort con_name rows in table A and B in similar order.. where the result of table A and B shows that con_name in similar order.
i would thanks any one can help me in these requirements. thanks

Best Answer

[l0,iB] = ismember(A.con_name,B.con_name);
dictionary_table = A{l0,3};
A_new = A(l0,:);
B_new = B(iB(l0),:);
[~,ii] = ismember(A_new.con_name,B_new.con_name):
B_new = B_new(ii,:);