MATLAB: How do i show output from program in the uitextarea


I have a GUI(has a uitextarea) which takes few inputs and can initiate a program's run.. The GUI has a uitextarea in it.
In the program a certain string will be printed multiple times.
I have tried the following to show the output to the uitextarea
for 1:100
app.OutputTextArea_2.Value = textToDiplay + i;
It is working..But it replaces the earlier values.
May I know how I can keep appending the current text to the already existing text uitextarea.

Best Answer

Thanks for the answer. But I have solved the problem in a different way.
text =""
for i:100
text = text + i %%something like this..
text = sprintf('%s \n %s',text,textToDiplay);
app.OutputTextArea_2.Value = text;
This things works like a charm.