MATLAB: How Do I set Camera Exposure in MATLAB

exposureexposure timeImage Acquisition Toolboxset

Hi, I was trying to adjust the exposure for my webcamera, I looked on my image Acquisition toolbox and when i adjust the exposer on there it seems to use the command 'src.Exposure = 10;' (for when you want the exposure to be 10)
I wanted to set my camera exposure to say 20, and i used the same idea but it doesnt seem to work? I tried it for other numbers eg, 60, 100 etc but it seems there is no affect.
Bellow shows the code i am using to test it.
imaqhwinfo ('winvideo', 1);
video = videoinput('winvideo',1,'RGB24_640x480');
src.Exposure = 20; % changes exposure
preview(video); %Launches video preview window

Best Answer

What is src in your code? Do you mean video.Exposure ?