MATLAB: How do i save extracted feature vectors of an image database

cbirimage processingImage Processing Toolboximage retrieval

Hello everybody
i have a DB of images for a CBIR project and i have to extract different types of features (color : using HSV, texture : using LBP) which i already did, now my qs is how to save those extracted features in a dataset of features to which the CBIR system would go back to, to retreive the similar images ? .. is it a ".mat" file or some other way ? and is it possible to gather the different types of features in the same dataset knoing that their vector sizes are different too? can anyone please help

Best Answer

Yes, you can save your variables in a .mat file. Use the save() function, like
save('answers.mat', 'var1', 'feature2', 'something3');
or whatever. They don't all need to be the same size or even class.