MATLAB: How do i plot multiple vectors tip to tail, beginning from the origin

plottingtip to tailvector

This is my code thus far, but my figure only runs the plot for the variables as they are. I need them to run sequentially, so that they are connected tip to tail, forming one line that begins at the origin.
vectors = xlsread('Book1.xlsx'); %Enter any .xlsx document here
[M,N] = size(vectors);
hold on
x = (vectors(:,1).*cosd(vectors(:,2)));
y = (vectors(:,1).*sind(vectors(:,2)));

Best Answer

x = (vectors(:,1).*cosd(vectors(:,2)));
y = (vectors(:,1).*sind(vectors(:,2)));
plot([0; x; 0],[0; y; 0]);
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