MATLAB: How do i plot a rectangle havng cetain dimensions and inside it even number of parametric cordinates such dat the centres of all cordinates and centre of rectangle coincide

code generationplot

i have to define a plan geometry in which my parametric input will be numb of columns..i wish to put columns in such a way dat dey are symetrically placed inside the rectangle..

Best Answer

I don't understand the question. Please give a numerical example. Maybe you can define the midpoint
xMid = (xLeft + xRight) / 2;
Then calculate other x based on distances from that
% Set up.
numberOfColumns = 4
xLeft = 1;
xRight = 11;
spacing = 0.2;
% Do it:
xMid = (xLeft + xRight) / 2
incr = 1 : numberOfColumns;
xRight = xMid - spacing * fliplr(incr)
xLefts = xMid + spacing * incr