MATLAB: How do i open and close a panel with a pushbutton in matlab GUI guide

matlab guimatlab guide

I have a pushbutton in my Matlab GUI and if i press the pushbutton at the start a panel drops down. Now what i want is,when i press the button again,the panel should close.
So summarising: Press the button the first time -panel opens Press the button the second time -panel closes an how do i know the button is getting pressed so that i can set the condtions?
Kindly help me with this.I am new to matlab GUIDE.Any help will be appreciated

Best Answer

Giri - in the push button callback, check the visibility state of the panel. If it is OFF, then show the panel. And if it is ON, then hide it. For example, the code in GUIDE may look like

function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if strcmpi(get(handles.uipanel1, 'Visible'), 'on')
    set(handles.uipanel1, 'Visible', 'off');
    set(handles.uipanel1, 'Visible', 'on');