MATLAB: How do i make ticks invisible

invisibilityplotting tooltick labels

I've made a figure with plot(x,y);
Now I'd like only the ticks attached to the ticks on the y-axis to be invisible but not the numbers. Does anyone have such ideas please!!

Best Answer

You can’t turn the ticks on individual axes on or off, only all of them on or off. Ths solution is to turn all of them off and then add them selectively on the x-axis by plotting them with this:
plot( ... )
hold on
set(gca, 'TickLength',[0 0])
xt = get(gca, 'XTick');
yxt = diff(ylim)
plot([xt; xt], [ones(1,length(xt)); zeros(1,length(xt))]*yxt/100,'k')
hold off
I tested this and it works. If you have any trouble with it in your application, post your code and we’ll get it to work there as well.