MATLAB: How do i make function handles work

callbackfunction handles

Hello, I have a really annoying error that i can't find a way to make it work, my code looks like this:
function [h] = test_listeners()
f = figure('Units','Normalized');
h.Red = uicontrol('Parent',f,...
'position',[0.1, 0.6, 0.3, 0.1],...
h.Blue = uicontrol('Parent',f,...
'position',[0.1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.1],...
function [] = callbackBlue(varargin)
in one sentence it should change the value of BLUE according to the value of RED, but even though in input of the callback is varargin when running the code i get this error message:
Warning: Error occurred while executing the
listener callback for event Action defined
for class matlab.ui.control.UIControl:
Error using
Too many input arguments.
I am currently stuck and will love some help.

Best Answer

addlistener(h.Red, 'Action', @(varargin)callbackBlue(varargin{:}, h.Blue));
Remember, listeners have two arguments automatically added, just like all other callbacks (except for callbacks that are acting as filters, such as zoom constraint functions.)