MATLAB: How do i get a webcam to capture an image and store the image in a folder and continuously do so while changing the file name for each new image

anprimage processingMATLAB

this is what i have tried to use so far to save captured image but it hasnt worked…
counter = 1;
baseDir = 'C:\Users\Nakk\Documents\MATLAB';
baseName = 'Nakk_'; %Nakk is the name i have chosen for the image files
newName = [baseDir baseName num2str(counter) '.jpg'];
while exist(newName,'file')
counter = counter + 1;
newName = [baseDir baseName num2str(counter) '.jpg'];
imwrite(img, newName);

Best Answer

Notice that your baseDir does not end with a file separator, such that Matlab checks for the files "C:\Users\Nakk\Documents\MATLABNakk_1.jpg" etc.
Better use fullfile instead of the concatenation of the path with [ and ]:
newName = fullfile(baseDir, sprintf('%s%d.jpg', baseName, counter));
I prefer sprintf instead of num2str for such cases.