MATLAB: How Do I find unique values of an element in a matrix


I have a matrix that is (110500*4); the First column are identiers/IDs, these values are not unique, meaning same value can appear more than once. I need to find out how many times each ID appears then basically aggregate the matrix based on these unique IDs to where 1st column is: Unique IDs, 2nd, 3rd and 4th : Sum of elements from original table associated with unique ID. Example:
A=[5 12 25 0
2 10 24 0
1 7 25 1
5 5 12 0
2 6 23 1];
then end matrix should have only 3 rows (unique values are 5,2 & 1) with 1st column: unique values, 2nd column : Sum of values associated with unique ID (5) from column 2, and same for the next 2 columns. basically, reduce the matrix to unique ID then aggregate the next columns based on that.

Best Answer

>> A = [5,12,25,0;2,10,24,0;1,7,25,1;5,5,12,0;2,6,23,1]
A =
5 12 25 0
2 10 24 0
1 7 25 1
5 5 12 0
2 6 23 1
>> [val,~,idx] = unique(A(:,1));
>> out(:,4) = accumarray(idx,A(:,4));
>> out(:,3) = accumarray(idx,A(:,3));
>> out(:,2) = accumarray(idx,A(:,2));
>> out(:,1) = val
out =
1 7 25 1
2 16 47 1
5 17 37 0