MATLAB: How do i extract values from a name-value pair argument

cell arraysloopstringstext filetextscan

Can someone help me on this please. my function is this; fid=fopen('20160613.XVI'); C=textscan(fid,'%s%s','CollectOutput',true,'Delimiter',';'); data=C{1}(71:73,1); [~]=fclose(fid);
It returns the following; {'CouchShiftLat=-0.17' } {'CouchShiftLong=-0.08' } {'CouchShiftHeight=-0.09'} But i needed only the values; -0.17,-0.08 and -0.09.

Best Answer

files = dir('*.txt') ; % Get all text files of the folder
N = length(files) ; % Total files
% loop for each file
for i = 1:N
file = files(i).name ;
% do what you want