MATLAB: How do i create the following cell array


this is what I have in mind :
as you can see, the main matrix is 2*4, and within each cell there are 3 values
Question 1 :how do I create this ?
Question 2 if I want to access one of the cells( accessing all 3 values as a vector), corresponding to row r and column c , how can I do so ?
Quesiton 3 if I want to access the 2nd element of the 3rd top cells from the left ( here it would be 6 ), how can I do so ?

Best Answer

C = {[2,3,1],[1,5,6],[4,6,5],[3,1,7];[3,5,7],[2,4,6],[2,6,3],[8,2,3]}
C{r,c} % access the cell contents (i.e. the numeric array)
C(r,c) % access the cell itself
You should also read the MATLAB documentation: